// Charter //

Custom Performance Revisited (CPR)

Custom Performance Revisited (CPR) is a consortium of independent retired industry experts who consult with other members and collaborate on unique vehicle projects of their choice for the sake of intellectual and professional challenge and learning. Active participants in CPR are formally titled “Member Consultant.”

CPR is not a business or profit center of any kind.

Any vehicles created or modified by CPR that are sold in the fullness of time, are sold at the discretion of, and to the financial benefit of the funding participant/owner. Members are not to propose projects for their personal gain. Completed vehicles are for personal member ownership only.

The primary benefit of participation by Member Consultants is learning and experience. CPR only exercises collective creativity on the projects that intrigue the consortium by challenging and therefore advancing member skill sets. The rewards are intrinsic and intellectual in nature.

Any member may abstain from any project without reason. More active contribution, however, should generate commensurately more support from other members for self-proposed projects.

No Member Consultants shall expect to be compensated for their time and knowledge sharing contributions, or any associated voluntary physical effort in support of a project. All projects are the sole possession of the Member Consultant(s) funding the project.

CPR does not individually or collectively take requests or orders from outside sources. Any vehicle project that CPR does take on must be funded and owned by a standing Member Consultant.

CPR does not take membership applications. New potential participants are recommended, and vetted internally to CPR, by a standing Member Consultant. Any added Membership is only accomplished by unanimous vote of the standing Member Consultants.

Membership can be severed at any time by any standing member. Subsequent return to standing membership status in the consortium is not guaranteed or implied.

The Consortium can eject any non-charter member at any time with a majority vote. Charter members can not be ejected or dismissed. There are only two charter members.

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